Showing posts with label Best muslim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best muslim. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Neighbors rights in islam

Rights of neighbors in islam

In Islam, neighbors enjoy a special status and their rights are emphasized in various teachings and traditions. Some rights of neighbors in Islam are as follows

General kindness and respect:-

Muslims are instructed to be kind, respectful, and considerate of their neighbors, regardless of their religion or background.

Good behaviour:-

 The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stressed the importance of treating neighbors well. 
He said, “The best companion for Allah is the one who is the best for his companions, and the best neighbor for Allah is the one who is the best for his neighbors” (Tirmizi).

Protection and Support:-

 It is the responsibility of a Muslim to protect and support his neighbors in times of need or difficulty. This includes providing aid, food or support in an emergency.


 It is important to respect the privacy of neighbors. Muslims should not interfere in the private affairs, homes or personal affairs of their neighbors without permission.

Avoiding Harm:-

Muslims are forbidden from harming or harassing their neighbors. This includes not engaging in activities that may upset them, such as loud noises or aggressive behavior.

Sharing gifts and food:-

Sharing gifts and food with neighbors is a recommended practice in Islam. 
The Prophet Muhammad encouraged Muslims to share food with their neighbors, saying, "O Muslim women, no one should despise a gift sent by his neighbor, even if it is the hooves of a sheep". . (Bukhari)

Maintaining good relations:-

 Islam encourages maintaining good relations with neighbors and resolving any disputes or conflicts amicably. The Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to maintain relations with their neighbors, even if they are not related.

Greeting (Salam) :-

 Greeting neighbors with a smile and kind words is one way to foster good relationships. 
Prophet Muhammad said, "By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer!" When he was asked who, he replied, "He whose neighbor does not feel safe from his evil" (Bukhari).

Praying for neighbors:-

 Muslims are encouraged to pray for the well-being and guidance of their neighbors and ask Allah to bless them with goodness.

Overall, the rights of neighbors in Islam emphasize kindness, respect and consideration. These teachings promote a sense of community, unity and harmony among neighbors and the society as a whole.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

How do we consider who is the best Muslim?

How do we consider who is the best Muslim?

Determining who is the "best" Muslim is a subjective matter and varies between individuals and communities. In Islam, being a good Muslim generally involves adhering to the core tenets and practices of the faith, including:

Belief in the unity of Allah (God):-
In Islam the belief in one God, known as "TAWEED," is the central tenet of the religion. The concept of TAWHEED is derived from the Arabic word (Wahid) which means "one." The Islamic belief in one God is expressed in the declaration of faith or "Shahada," Allah is one and Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allah."

Follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as found in the Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet).

Regularly observing the five pillars of Islam:-

Shahadah (declaration of faith),

 Salah (prayer), 

Zakat (charity), 

Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), 

Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able).

Upholding moral and ethical values like justice, honesty, kindness and compassion.
Engaging in charity work and helping the needy.

Seeking knowledge and understanding of the faith.

It is important to note that no one can evaluate another person's faith or piety, as this is a matter between an individual and God. Being a "good" or "best" Muslim is a personal journey and is evaluated by one's honesty, actions, and dedication to Islam. It is not the job of others to determine or compare

Some people asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), "Who is the best Muslim? He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands." And a Muhajir (migrant) is one who leaves what Allah has made haram

"Allah says in Quran
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,

I want to say that stand up for yourself, your religion and the humanity of other Muslims. Muslims are often portrayed negatively by various political groups for their own self-interest. You don't need to engage every time you hear Islamophobic statements, but you should say something if you feel safe and have the energy to do so.

If you hear someone comparing Islam to violent extremism, you might say, “I'm a Muslim, and I don't appreciate your assumption that all Muslims condone violent acts.

If you see other Muslims being targeted, stand up for them. For example, if you see a woman wearing a hijab being harassed, stand between her and her harasser and engage her in friendly conversation to take the power away from the person harassing her.

Follow the laws of Allah (Sharia) as revealed in the Quran and Sunnah in your homes and encourage your family and other Muslims to do the same in every aspect of their lives.

Kindness (Meharbani):-   

Kindness is a mark of a good Muslim.

Allah say in Quran About "Kindness" that Allah loves those who act justly. 
 In some parts of the Holy Quran, Allah describes himself as ‘RAOUF’ (رؤوف). English translators of the Quran take this to mean ‘kind’.

Overall it is important to note that these rights are not exhaustive, and other specific rights and responsibilities are also mentioned in Islam. Sermon. The overall principle in Islam is to establish a just and compassionate society where the rights of individuals are protected and respected.

Ultimately, Islam encourages self-improvement, continuous learning, and striving to become a better person in the eyes of God, while respecting the diversity of beliefs and practices within the Muslim community.

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