Saturday, September 30, 2023

Mother's Importance in Islam

Mother importance in Islaam

Mother is our first dutiful person

In Islam, the importance of mothers is highly emphasized and revered. Mothers hold a special and elevated status within Islamic teachings for several reasons:

Respect and Obedience:-

 The Quran and Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) stress the importance of showing utmost respect, kindness, and obedience to one's mother. It is often said that "Paradise lies at the feet of mothers," highlighting the significance of serving and pleasing one's mother.

Role in Child Upbringing:-

 Islamic tradition places a significant role on mothers in the upbringing and education of their children. Mothers are seen as the primary caregivers and are responsible for instilling faith, values, and moral character in their children.

Sacrifice and Love:-

 The selfless love and sacrifices that mothers make for their children are considered a reflection of God's mercy and compassion. The Quran acknowledges the pain and hardship mothers go through during pregnancy and childbirth, underscoring the need for gratitude and care towards them.

Prayers and Blessings:-

It is believed that a mother's prayers for her children hold a special significance in Islam. Her supplications are thought to have a powerful and positive effect on the well-being and success of her offspring.

Intercession on the Day of Judgment:-

 Islamic tradition suggests that on the Day of Judgment, mothers may intercede on behalf of their children, seeking God's mercy and forgiveness for them.

Gratitude and Kindness:-

 Islam teaches that being kind, respectful, and caring towards one's mother is not just a moral duty but also a means to earn Allah's pleasure and blessings.

Abu Hurayra said, "The Prophet Mohammad was asked, 'Messenger of Allah, to whom should I be dutiful?'  
"Your mother,' 
He was asked, "Then whom?' 
'Your mother, 
He was asked, 'Then whom?" 
"Your mother,' 
He was asked, 'Then whom?' Mohmmed replied, "Your father."
Sahih (Al-Albani)/Al-Adab Al-Mufrad Book 1, Hadith 5

Overall, in Islam, mothers are held in high regard and are seen as a source of love, guidance, and blessings. Their role in the family and society is deeply valued, and their rights and well-being are emphasized to a great extent.

Status of muslim women in islam by hadees And Quran:-

"When she's a daughter, she opens a door heaven for his father.

"When she is a wife, she fulfills half of the deen of her husband.

"When she is a mother, there is a paradise under her feet

Friday, September 29, 2023

Importance of hospitality in Islam

Importance of hospitality in Islam

Generous hospitality extended to family, friends and strangers is one of the best-known characteristics of Muslim society, whether pastoral, rural or urban. This tradition of hospitality has been going on since ancient times.

Allah has mentioned hospitality many times in the Quran.

For Muslims, the ideal of hospitality derives primarily from the Quran itself, which states that hospitality or charity should be offered to travelers: "Religion is to believe in God; [and] to spend one's wealth out of love for Him." " , For one's relatives, for the needy, for the traveler, for those who ask,"

Allah says in Quran (SURAH AL-BAQARAH AYAT 177 ) 

In Islam, inviting others for a meal holds great importance and is considered a virtuous act for several reasons:


Islam places great emphasis on hospitality. Inviting others for a meal is a way of showing kindness, generosity, and warmth toward guests, neighbors, and even strangers. This hospitality is seen as a means of earning rewards from Allah.

Allah says in the Quran:-
They ask you, [O Muhammad], what should they spend. Say, "Whatever you spend in good, it is for parents, relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer. And whatever good you do, surely Allah is Cognizant."

Building relationships:-

 Sharing food is a way to create and strengthen social bonds. When you invite someone to your home for a meal, you create an opportunity to foster open communication, understanding, and good relationships.

Community and brotherhood:-

 Inviting others for a meal fosters a sense of community and brotherhood. It encourages Muslims to come together, share and care for each other, promoting unity within the Ummah (Muslim community).

Charity and Sadaqah:-

 Providing food to others is considered an act of charity (Sadaqa) in Islam. It is seen as a way to help those in need and earn spiritual rewards.

Following the Sunnah:-

 The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged Muslims to share food with others and accept invitations. Following their example, known as Sunnah, is a way to earn spiritual rewards and strive for a righteous way of life.

Gratitude to Allah:-

 Inviting others for food is a way of expressing gratitude to Allah for the blessings of food and sustenance. It reminds us of the importance of sharing our blessings with others.

Overall, inviting others for a meal in Islam is not just a cultural tradition, but a religiously significant practice that reflects the values of hospitality, community, charity, and following the teachings of Islam.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Neighbors rights in islam

Rights of neighbors in islam

In Islam, neighbors enjoy a special status and their rights are emphasized in various teachings and traditions. Some rights of neighbors in Islam are as follows

General kindness and respect:-

Muslims are instructed to be kind, respectful, and considerate of their neighbors, regardless of their religion or background.

Good behaviour:-

 The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stressed the importance of treating neighbors well. 
He said, “The best companion for Allah is the one who is the best for his companions, and the best neighbor for Allah is the one who is the best for his neighbors” (Tirmizi).

Protection and Support:-

 It is the responsibility of a Muslim to protect and support his neighbors in times of need or difficulty. This includes providing aid, food or support in an emergency.


 It is important to respect the privacy of neighbors. Muslims should not interfere in the private affairs, homes or personal affairs of their neighbors without permission.

Avoiding Harm:-

Muslims are forbidden from harming or harassing their neighbors. This includes not engaging in activities that may upset them, such as loud noises or aggressive behavior.

Sharing gifts and food:-

Sharing gifts and food with neighbors is a recommended practice in Islam. 
The Prophet Muhammad encouraged Muslims to share food with their neighbors, saying, "O Muslim women, no one should despise a gift sent by his neighbor, even if it is the hooves of a sheep". . (Bukhari)

Maintaining good relations:-

 Islam encourages maintaining good relations with neighbors and resolving any disputes or conflicts amicably. The Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to maintain relations with their neighbors, even if they are not related.

Greeting (Salam) :-

 Greeting neighbors with a smile and kind words is one way to foster good relationships. 
Prophet Muhammad said, "By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer!" When he was asked who, he replied, "He whose neighbor does not feel safe from his evil" (Bukhari).

Praying for neighbors:-

 Muslims are encouraged to pray for the well-being and guidance of their neighbors and ask Allah to bless them with goodness.

Overall, the rights of neighbors in Islam emphasize kindness, respect and consideration. These teachings promote a sense of community, unity and harmony among neighbors and the society as a whole.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Cleanliness in islam


 Islam attaches great importance to both personal cleanliness and cleanliness in the surrounding environment. Wudu is mandatory before prayer.

Cleanliness has an important place in Islam. Many acts of worship in Islam necessitate that one is physically and ritually pure. For example, one cannot perform Salaah or touch the Quran if one has not performed Wudhuu. 

Cleanliness is of great importance in Islam and is considered a fundamental aspect of the faith. Some of the major aspects of cleanliness in Islam are as follows:

Physical purification:-

 Muslims are required to maintain physical cleanliness through regular ablution (wudu) before prayer and ritual purification (gusl) after specific impure activities. This includes washing the hands, face, hands and feet before prayer.

Cleanliness of clothing:-

 Wearing clean and modest clothing is encouraged in Islam. It is advisable to wear clean clothes during daily prayers and on special occasions.

Clean food and drinks:-

 Muslims are instructed to consume clean and halal (permissible) food and drinks. For example, they should avoid the consumption of pork and alcohol.

Clean Environment:-

 Emphasis is laid on keeping one's surroundings and home clean. Prophet Muhammad said that cleanliness is half of faith, which shows its importance.

Clean Speech:-

 Muslims are encouraged to use clean and respectful language. Avoiding lies, slander and offensive speech is part of keeping the tongue clean.

Purity of the heart:-

 Inner purity and purity of heart and intentions are also important in Islam. It is not just about physical cleanliness but also about maintaining a pure and true heart.

Sanitation in the community:-

Muslims are encouraged to participate in communal sanitation efforts, such as cleaning mosques and helping to keep public places clean.

Hygiene during menstruation and postpartum bleeding:-

 Women should avoid religious prayers during menstruation and postpartum bleeding, but are still encouraged to maintain personal hygiene.

Overall, cleanliness in Islam is not just a physical concept but extends to a person's thoughts, intentions and actions. It is seen as a means of spiritual purification and getting closer to Allah.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Existence of kindness in Islam

kindness in islam

Kindness is a mark of a good Muslim.

Allah say in Quran About "Kindness" that Allah loves those who act justly. 
 In some parts of the Holy Quran, Allah describes himself as ‘RAOUF’ (رؤوف). English translators of the Quran take this to mean ‘kind’.

There is great emphasis on kindness in Islam. There are many teachings in the Quran and Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) that promote kindness, compassion and good behavior towards others. For example:

Compassion for all:-

 Islam teaches believers to be kind and compassionate not only toward fellow Muslims but toward all of humanity. The Quran mentions the importance of showing mercy to parents, relatives, orphans and the poor.

"The Prophet mohmmed said. "He is not a true believer who eats his fill while his neighbour is hungry".(No matter what religion your neighbor belongs to)"

Example of the Prophet:-

 Prophet Muhammad is considered the perfect example of mercy and compassion. His actions and sayings encourage Muslims to follow his example in their daily lives.

Charity (Sadaqa):-

Giving to the needy is an essential part of kindness in Islam. Charitable works and helping the less fortunate are highly encouraged.


 Islam promotes forgiveness and urges believers to forgive those who have wronged them, which is seen as an act of kindness.

Respect for elders:-

 Islamic teachings emphasize showing respect and kindness towards elders.

Muslims are considered part of a global brotherhood regardless of their nationality or ethnicity. The concept promotes compassion, cooperation and helping each other in times of need.

Animals and the Environment:-

 Islam also teaches compassion towards animals and the environment. The Prophet Muhammad was known for his compassion towards animals and has specific guidelines for their treatment.

In short, kindness is a fundamental aspect of Islamic teachings, and Muslims are encouraged to incorporate it in their daily lives, interactions with others, and dealings with all living beings.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

How do we consider who is the best Muslim?

How do we consider who is the best Muslim?

Determining who is the "best" Muslim is a subjective matter and varies between individuals and communities. In Islam, being a good Muslim generally involves adhering to the core tenets and practices of the faith, including:

Belief in the unity of Allah (God):-
In Islam the belief in one God, known as "TAWEED," is the central tenet of the religion. The concept of TAWHEED is derived from the Arabic word (Wahid) which means "one." The Islamic belief in one God is expressed in the declaration of faith or "Shahada," Allah is one and Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allah."

Follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as found in the Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet).

Regularly observing the five pillars of Islam:-

Shahadah (declaration of faith),

 Salah (prayer), 

Zakat (charity), 

Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), 

Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able).

Upholding moral and ethical values like justice, honesty, kindness and compassion.
Engaging in charity work and helping the needy.

Seeking knowledge and understanding of the faith.

It is important to note that no one can evaluate another person's faith or piety, as this is a matter between an individual and God. Being a "good" or "best" Muslim is a personal journey and is evaluated by one's honesty, actions, and dedication to Islam. It is not the job of others to determine or compare

Some people asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), "Who is the best Muslim? He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands." And a Muhajir (migrant) is one who leaves what Allah has made haram

"Allah says in Quran
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,

I want to say that stand up for yourself, your religion and the humanity of other Muslims. Muslims are often portrayed negatively by various political groups for their own self-interest. You don't need to engage every time you hear Islamophobic statements, but you should say something if you feel safe and have the energy to do so.

If you hear someone comparing Islam to violent extremism, you might say, “I'm a Muslim, and I don't appreciate your assumption that all Muslims condone violent acts.

If you see other Muslims being targeted, stand up for them. For example, if you see a woman wearing a hijab being harassed, stand between her and her harasser and engage her in friendly conversation to take the power away from the person harassing her.

Follow the laws of Allah (Sharia) as revealed in the Quran and Sunnah in your homes and encourage your family and other Muslims to do the same in every aspect of their lives.

Kindness (Meharbani):-   

Kindness is a mark of a good Muslim.

Allah say in Quran About "Kindness" that Allah loves those who act justly. 
 In some parts of the Holy Quran, Allah describes himself as ‘RAOUF’ (رؤوف). English translators of the Quran take this to mean ‘kind’.

Overall it is important to note that these rights are not exhaustive, and other specific rights and responsibilities are also mentioned in Islam. Sermon. The overall principle in Islam is to establish a just and compassionate society where the rights of individuals are protected and respected.

Ultimately, Islam encourages self-improvement, continuous learning, and striving to become a better person in the eyes of God, while respecting the diversity of beliefs and practices within the Muslim community.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Authority of one muslim over another muslim

Authority of one muslim over Another Muslim

(i) Reply to Salaam,

(ii) meeting the sick, 

(iii) Attending funerals, 

(iv) accept the invitation, 

(v) To respond to a sneeze, 

And When he seeks your council give him

         (Sahih Bukhari)

In Islam, there are a number of rights that one Muslim has over another Muslim, often called "rights of brotherhood" or "rights of one Muslim over another Muslim". These rights are based on the teachings of the Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). Some of these rights include:


 Muslims are obliged to show respect to each other. This includes using polite language, greeting peace (salam), and avoiding disrespectful or offensive behavior.

Help and Support:-

 Muslims are encouraged to help and support their fellow Muslims in times of need. This may include both physical and emotional support.

Visiting the sick:-

 Visiting and consoling a sick companion is considered a virtuous act in Islam.

Attending funerals:-

Muslims are expected to attend the funeral prayers and burial of their deceased fellow Muslim.

Giving Honest Advice:-

 It is important to give honest and sincere advice when asked for help or guidance.

Avoiding backbiting and slander:-

 Muslims should avoid backbiting each other and spreading false information or rumors.

Maintaining trust:-

 Trust is a fundamental aspect of relationships between Muslims. One should not betray another's trust.


 All Muslims should be treated with equality and justice, regardless of their social or economic status.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation:-

 Muslims are encouraged to forgive each other and reconcile disputes whenever possible.

Praying for each other:-

 Muslims are advised to pray for the well-being, guidance, and forgiveness of their fellow Muslims.

These rights emphasize the importance of fostering a strong and supportive community among Muslims, fostering empathy, compassion and mutual respect. It is worth noting that these rights are not limited to Muslims alone, but can also extend to interaction with people of other religions and backgrounds, promoting harmonious coexistence.

some basic rights of a Muslim over another Muslim:

Hazrat Abu Huraira Raziallahu Anhu mentions that the Messenger of Allah prophet Mohammed ﷺ Said, “Every Muslim has five rights over another Muslim.

(i) Reply to Salaam,
(ii) meeting the sick,
(iii) Attending funerals
(iv) accept the invitation and
(v) To respond to a sneeze

The Hadīth sheds light on some of the rights that a Muslim has upon his Muslim brothers. The rights that a Muslim has over his brothers are many, but sometimes the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) mentions particular things, from amongst many other things, out of his care and concern for them. 
Some of these things include what Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said:-
"The rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim are five things:-

returning the greeting," i.e. if someone greets you with Salām, then respond to him. 
Another Hadīth says: "The right of the Muslim over another Muslim are six: if you meet him then greet him with Salām." Anyone fulfills these rights properly, then he will be more likely to fulfill the other rights as well. He will fulfill these obligations and rights that involve much goodness and enormous reward from Allah provided that they are done for the sake of Allah. The first of these rights is to give Salām to the Muslim when you meet him, or to return it, as stated in another Hadīth.

 The second right is to visit the sick, particularly when sickness compels him to stay at home. In this case, it is his right on the Muslim fellows to visit him. 

The third right is following the funeral processions and escorting the dead. The deceased Muslim has a right upon his brother to accompany his funeral from his house until the place of prayer, whether it’s in the mosque or in another place, then to the graveyard. 

The fourth right is to answer the invitation. It is the right of the Muslim over his brother to accept his invitation. 

The fifth right is to respond to the sneezing Muslim. This is because sneezing is a blessing from Allah who lets the air constrained in the different parts of the body go out from the nasal passage so that the sneezing person can relax. Therefore, Allah instructs the sneezer to praise Him for this blessings, and instructs his brother to say to him "yarhamukallāh (may Allah have mercy upon you)", and ordered the sneezing person to respond: "yahdikumullāh wa yuslih bālakum (May Allah guide you and make better your affairs)". So, the sneezer who doesn’t praise Allah doesn’t deserve these prayers, and he shouldn’t blame anyone except himself

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

What is (HARAM) forbidden in Islam and why?

What is (HARAM) forbidden in Islam and why?

In Islam, things that are considered haram (forbidden) are banned because they violate Islamic principles and teachings. These prohibitions are based on the Quran, Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ), and Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). We are describing here some common Haram acts and why they are considered Haram:-

Alcohol and intoxicants (khamar):-

 Consumption of alcohol and other intoxicants is haraam because they impair judgment, lead to sinful behavior and hinder the ability to fulfill religious obligations.

Alcohol is haram in islam. 

"Allah says in Quran 
"They ask you (0 Muhammad) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: In them is a great sin, and (some) benefits for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit""

Pig meat and its products:-

Pig meat is considered haram as it is clearly prohibited in the Quran. Its consumption is considered impure and unhealthy.

Usury (Riba):-

Engaging in usury or interest-related transactions is haraam because it exploits people economically and goes against Islamic principles of fairness and justice.

Gambling (Masir):-

Gambling is haraam because it promotes addiction, financial ruin, and immoral behavior. It depends on chance rather than honest action.

Adultery and adultery:-

 Sexual relations outside legal marriage are haram because they undermine family values, morality and purity.

Theft (सरिकाः):-

 Theft is haraam because it violates the property rights of others and disrupts social order.

Lying and Lying (Qadib):-

 Lying and lying are haraam because they are against the truth and honesty given in Islam.

Backbiting (Gheeba):-

 Talking negatively about others behind their backs is haraam because it harms their reputation and violates the principle of respecting the dignity of others.

Murder and Unlawful Killing:-

 Taking the life of an innocent person is haraam because it is a serious violation of the sanctity of life, and only Allah has the right to determine when a life should end.

Idolatry (Shirk):-

 Associating partners with Allah or worshiping idols is the greatest sin in Islam. This contradicts the fundamental belief in the oneness of Allah (Tawheed).

Halal Eating animals that have not been properly slaughtered (Dhabiha):-

 According to Islamic guidelines, eating animals that have not been properly slaughtered is haraam because their consumption is considered impure and immoral.

Engaging in slander and false accusations (Qadaf):-

 Accusing someone of wrongdoing without evidence is haraam as it may lead to unjust punishment and harm to the innocent.

"Some people asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), "Who is the best Muslim? He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands." And a Muhajir (migrant) is one who leaves what Allah has made haram"

By following these principles, Muslims can maintain good physical, mental and spiritual health. These prohibitions in Islam are designed to promote moral and ethical conduct, maintain the well-being of individuals and society, and maintain the principles of justice, honesty, and piety. Avoiding haraam actions is a fundamental part of practicing Islam and achieving Allah's pleasure by striving to live a virtuous life. It is important to note that the interpretation of haram can vary between different Islamic scholars and schools of thought, so when in doubt it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified scholar or religious authority.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Repentance (Tawbah) and forgiveness in Islam

In Islam, repentance (Tawbah) and forgiveness are essential concepts that play a significant role in the spiritual life of Muslims.

Repentance (Tawbah):

Sincere Regret:-

Repentance begins with a genuine sense of remorse and regret for one's sins. It involves recognizing that a mistake has been made.

Ceasing the Sin:-

 The person must immediately stop committing the sinful act. Continuing the sin while repenting is not considered genuine repentance.

Seeking Forgiveness:-

Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah (God) in prayer and supplication, seeking His forgiveness for their sins. This often includes reciting specific supplications for forgiveness known as Istighfar.

Making Amends:-

If the sin has harmed others, it's essential to make amends or seek forgiveness from those affected, whenever possible.

Resolve Not to Repeat:-

True repentance involves a sincere commitment to avoiding the sin in the future. It's about making a conscious effort to lead a better, more righteous life.

Forgiveness in Islam:

- [Quran, 2:263]
Preparing for the Hereafter:-
 Muslims believe in the concept of accountability in the Hereafter. Forgiving others is seen as a way to secure Allah's forgiveness on Judgment Day

Allah's Mercy:-

Islam teaches that Allah is the Most Merciful and Forgiving. There are numerous verses in the Quran that emphasize Allah's willingness to forgive those who sincerely repent.

Conditions for Forgiveness:-

 While Allah is forgiving, His forgiveness is contingent on genuine repentance. Sins can be forgiven if one repents sincerely and turns back to Allah.


In Islamic tradition, the intercession of prophets or righteous individuals can also play a role in seeking Allah's forgiveness on behalf of sinners.


The month of Ramadan is considered a time of increased forgiveness and mercy, and Muslims seek forgiveness through fasting, prayers, and increased acts of worship during this month.

In summary, repentance and forgiveness are intertwined concepts in Islam. Repentance involves recognizing one's sins, seeking forgiveness from Allah, and making a sincere effort to change. Allah's forgiveness is readily available to those who genuinely repent, and it is a central aspect of Islamic faith and practice.

How to live your life according to islam

You should lead your life according to Quran and Hadith. 

Easy lifestyle
Rules of Happier Life

Worshiping Allah means living according to His commandments, knowing Him, loving Him, obeying His commandments, applying His laws in every aspect of life and abstaining from evil and moreover,

do Good work for yourself and others and Be fair towards colleagues

Lving your life according to Islam involves adhering to its principles, beliefs, and practices. Here are some key aspects to consider:

1. Faith (Iman):-

Start by believing in the oneness of Allah (God) and the prophethood of Muhammad. Faith is the foundation of Islamic life.

2. Five Pillars of Islam:-

 1) Shahada (Faith):-

Recite the declaration of faith, bearing witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.

  2) Salat (Prayer):-

Perform the five daily prayers facing the Kaaba in Mecca.

  3) Zakat (Charity):-

 Give a portion of your wealth to those in need, typically 2.5% of your savings annually.

   4) Sawm (Fasting):-

 Observe fasting during the holy month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset.

   5) Hajj (Pilgrimage):-

 If physically and financially able, make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime.

3.Morality and Ethics:-

Uphold ethical values such as honesty, integrity, kindness, and compassion in your daily life.

4. Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh):-

 Learn about the rules and guidelines for various aspects of life, such as dietary restrictions, dress code, and personal conduct.

5. Recitation of Quran:-

 Read and understand the Quran, the holy book of Islam, to gain spiritual guidance and knowledge.

6. Seek Knowledge:-

 Islam encourages seeking knowledge. Pursue education and self-improvement in both religious and worldly matters.

7. Community Involvement:-

Be an active member of the Muslim community, engage in acts of charity, and support fellow believers.

8. Family Values:-

 Maintain strong family bonds and fulfill your responsibilities as a spouse, parent, or child.

9. Dawah (Invitation):-

Share the teachings of Islam with others through your actions and words, but do so respectfully and without coercion.

10. Avoid Haram (Forbidden):-

Stay away from actions and substances that are considered haram, such as alcohol, pork, gambling, and usury.

11. Repentance and Forgiveness:-

 Acknowledge your mistakes and seek forgiveness from Allah. Repentance is an important concept in Islam.

12. Patience and Gratitude:-

Be patient in times of hardship and express gratitude for the blessings in your life.

Remember that living according to Islam is a lifelong journey. It involves continuous learning, self-improvement, and striving to become a better person while following the teachings and guidance of the religion. Consulting with knowledgeable scholars and leaders in your community can also provide valuable guidance on how to live a devout Islamic life.

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