Monday, March 27, 2023

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The holy "Quran"

The Holy "QURAN"

"I begin with the name of Allah 
اللہ, Who is Most Gracious, and Most Merciful.

The Quran is the holy scripture of the Islamic faith. 

The holy Quran is revealed on the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ over a period of 23 years, The Quran is composed of 30 para,  114 surah, 6236 ayah, 340740 words and only 14 sajde, and it is written in Arabic. Allah اللہ, sent the holy Quran by angel "Jibrail alehis salam" near Prophet Mohammad ﷺ  for ummat-e-rasool. Each surah is made up of ayahs, and each ayah is considered to be a complete unit of meaning. The Quran covers a wide range of topics.

The first surah Al-Alaq  revealed on  prophet Mohammad ﷺ.

The Quran is recited daily in prayer (Salah) and is also studied in depth by scholars and laypeople alike. Its teachings form the basis of Islamic beliefs and practices, and it is to be a source of guidance and inspiration for Muslims around the world.

The holy Quran is the only book in the history of the world that is so unique, matchless that even if millions of scholars of the world come together and try to write a book like the Holy Quran, they will not be able to do so. other books can be altered but not Quran Because 
Quran is the only book for which Allah Himself has protected it from any kind of corruption. It is for the reason, since the time Holy Quran has revealed, no any alteration.

Allah say in Quran,
وَلَتَبْلُوَنَّكُم بِشَيْءٍ مِّنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ
"We will surely put you to trial by involving you in fear and hunger and by causing loss of property, life and earnings. And give good tidings to those who remain steadfast in these trials".
[Al-Baqarah, 2:155]

Muslims believe that the "Quran" is a guide for all aspects of life, and contains instructions on how to worship Allah, how to live a meaningful life, and how to treat others with kindness. The holy "Quran" gives orders to spread kindness, peace ,patient and justice etc.

These are given below some example:-

Kindness (Meharbani):-   

Kindness is a mark of a good Muslim.

Allah say in Quran About "Kindness" that Allah loves those who act justly. 
 In some parts of the Holy Quran, Allah describes himself as ‘RAOUF’ (رؤوف). English translators of the Quran take this to mean ‘kind’.

Allah say in surah "An-Nisa"

Peace (Shanti , Aman):-

"Islam is a religion of peace" there are certainly passages in holy Quran that promote peace, Islam is a religion of love and non-violence. It conveys the message of peace and brotherhood to all nations and societies.

Allah say in surah "AAL-IMRAN"

 in the Quran, Allah points the importance of forgiveness. and says to Muslim to forgive others and maintain peace.

patience (Sabr):- 

In Islam there’s a concept called Sabr (Arabic: صَبْرٌ‎) which literally means endurance, or patience.
Allah say in Quran : “be Patient. Surely, Allah is with those who are patience.” (Quran, 8:46).

There are some ayah of Quran which show Allah likes the patience

Allah say in surah "AAL-IMRAN"

Allah say in surah "BAQARAH"

وَلَا تَهِنُوا وَلَا تَحْزَنُ
Do not lose hope, nor be sad."
Qur'an 3:139.

Justice (Insaf"انصاف"):-

Allah say in "Surah Al-MAIDAH" (Ayah 8):

O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted MY with what you do.

Allah say in Surah "Al-Nisa"to 

Narrated by Prophet Muhammadﷺ :-

please Your Children to Learnt Quran

Prophet Muhammadﷺ said to Usman 
of you are those who LEARN THE QUR'AN AND TEACH IT (to others)."
Sunan Abu Dawud. Volume No.2, The Book of Witr. Hadith No.1452

Allah has told everything that will happen from the creation of the world till the end of the world in the Qur'an. Read and understand the Qur'an


Thank you

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