Saturday, July 22, 2023

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Nikaah (Marriage)


Marriage or Nikaah is of undeniable importance in Islam. It is a way for a man and a woman to fulfill their natural desires properly and in a halal manner without turning towards sin. Just as a man has the right to take pleasure from his wife, similarly the wife has the right to do the same. Intimacy and acts of affection increase the love between husband and wife which leads to a peaceful and happy family.

Those who get married save themselves from sins and Allah helps such people. Marriage is not just a union of two people but of two families. According to Islam, in marriage, husband and wife not only share their happiness, but Allah also gives them the strength to face difficulties together. Both the partners should take care of each other and respect the feelings of the spouse.
Unlike Western culture, Islam does not allow open relationships but rather encourages love and respect through marriage for a happy and successful life. In Islam, husband and wife should always be ready for sacrifice.

"As wise people say, a successful marriage requires falling in love with the same person over and over again"

Islam purifies the union of the sexes and secures the enjoyment of married relations by placing a total ban on all forms of extramarital intercourse. The Holy Qur'an emphasizes people to get married because it is the most effective means by which one can lead a virtuous life free from immorality and emotional inhibitions. 

"The Holy Qur'an says: "They (your wives) are like a garment to you, and you are like a garment to them" (2:187).

Here is the correct description of the relationship between the two. Husband and wife are made for mutual support, mutual comfort and mutual protection, fit each other like clothes fit each other.

Wedding (nikah) is a sacred social commitment between wedding couple. 

Allah says in Quran about Nikah:-
And how could you take it while you have gone in unto each other and they have taken from you a solemn covenant?
(Surah An-Nisa Ayat 21)

Marriage contract is not a sacrament in Islam. It is revocable, i.e. you can get divorced if you cannot live with each other

There are 4 duties of Nikah, without which Nikah will not be complete.

1- Mutual consent (Qubool) by the bride and groom.

2- Legal guardian wali (Muslim) and a wakel,

3- "two adult and Muslim witnesses representing the bride,

4-Mahr (marriage-gift) to be paid by the groom to the bride.

 The Nikah ceremony, generally the following steps are follow:

Proposal and acceptance by family:- 
The bridegroom or his representative proposes to the bride or her/his parents and guardian with the intention of marriage. If the bride and her /his guardians accept the proposal, a verbal agreement is established.

Mahr is an essential gift that the bridegroom gives to the bride. The mahr may be in the form of money, property, or any other agreed upon gift.

The presence of two adult Muslim witnesses is essential during the Nikah ceremony. These witnesses must be of sound mind and of good character in order to make the marriage valid.

A religious sermon emphasizing the importance of marriage in Islam and the responsibilities of the spouses.

Nikah Reading
The Nikahnama is read aloud by the Qazi. And both the bride and groom, as well as their representatives and witnesses, affirm their consent to the marriage.

Signing on Nikah's paper:-
 The marriage papers are signed by the bride, groom and witnesses to formalize the marriage.

Reception (Waleema):-
The wedding feast (walima) is traditionally held by the groom after the nikah. It may take place immediately after the Nikah, the next day, the next week, or at a future date, but the purpose of the banquet is for the family and friends of the groom to share in his joy on the occasion of his marriage and to give thanks to Allah.

"The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encouraged Muslims to accept invitations to attend marriage ceremonies and wedding feasts: "...and whoever refuses to accept an invitation to a marriage feast, verily disobeys Allah and His Prophet".
       [Ahmed and Abu Dawood]

"The groom does not need a Wali at the time of the marriage contract, if a person is immature or insecure, he needs a wali (guardian). However, if he is of sound mind, he does not need a Wali. but the woman does need a Wali.
 Narrated by 'aisha':
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "Any woman who marries without a Wali, her marriage is invalid, invalid, invalid." [Narrated by al-Tirmizi, 1102;]
Basically for Nikah both the parties accept it with mutual consent and enter into this agreement. Please keep in mind, both the bride and groom have the option to set separate terms of their choice and make them a part of this contract.
Islam has certain strict conditions for the marriage of a Muslim woman and a man. They can only marry a Muslim man/woman and if they marry a non-Muslim the marriage will not take place. If he wishes to marry her, he must convert to Islam, otherwise the marriage is invalid. Will be counted in Zina!

"Islam gives great importance to marriage and considers it as the basis of human society by removing all the evils that have crept into the human society."
Marriage is a social institution as old as mankind. It can be defined as a relationship between a man and a woman that is recognized by custom or law.
Marriage is the means adopted by human society to regulate the relationship between men and women; By which the relationship of the child with the community is determined.
Overall Marriage is a sacred and valuable right in Islam. which not only fulfills personal desires. but also contributes to the betterment of the society by promoting strong family units.And Nikah fosters a sense of responsibility, love and compassion among family members.

I suggest for all please avoid secret marriage without blessings of parents or close relatives and guardians. it's a sin

The Messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
 "There is nothing like marriage, for two who love one another."


  1. I really like your blogs as it inspire others,want to appreciate your hardwork and knowledge...keep working!

  2. Allah kamyabi de


Thank you

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