Rights of Husband and Rights of Wife in Islam
The marriage of a man and a woman is not just a financial and physical arrangement to live together, but a sacred contract, a gift from God to live a happy. The main goal of marriage in Islam is to achieve peace and compassion between husband and wife. To achieve this supreme goal, Islam defined certain duties and rights for husband and wife.The basis of choosing a life partner is piety. There are many sayings in the Qur'an and Sunnah that recommend kindness and equality, compassion and love, sympathy and consideration.
"The prophet Muhammad says, "The best Muslim is the one who does the best for his family." Also, he says, "...and one of the greatest joys in life is a good, righteous wife."
(Reported by at-Tirmidhi)
It is important to note that the rights and responsibilities in marriage are mutual, and both the partners are expected to fulfill their obligations towards each other with love, compassion and fairness. Islam promotes mutual respect, cooperation and partnership between husband and wife in building a harmonious family life.
"Marriage is part of my Sunnah, and whoever does not follow my Sunnah has nothing to do with me."
(Sunan Ibn Majah, Book 9, 1846-Hasan)
Husband's authority over wife:-
The main responsibility of the wife as a partner in the marital relationship is to contribute as much as possible to the success and happiness of the marriage. He should take care of the comfort and well-being of his partner. She can neither offend him nor hurt his feelings. Perhaps nothing can clarify this issue better than the Qur'an.
Some examples of a wife's obligation to her husband are:-
1- The wife should be loyal, trustworthy and honest towards her husband.
2- He should not cheat his partner by deliberately avoiding pregnancy, otherwise he will be deprived of a legitimate child.
3- She should not allow any other person access to what is exclusively the husband's right.
4- She should not allow any person in her house who is not liked by her husband.
5- A wife cannot refuse her husband for any wish. Husband said anything. wife should accept who are halal
because allah says:-
"Husband and wife are each other's clothes"
6- She cannot accept any gift or talk to anyone without her husband's approval.
7- The husband's property and his children are his trust. If she has access to property, or is entrusted with any money, he must do his duty wisely. She can neither lend nor sell anything without his permission.
8- Islam permits a man to have up to four wives under certain conditions, provided he treats all of them fairly and justly. Like every wife's clothes, food, house and husband's time etc.
9- The husband has the right to initiate divorce. They also have the right to end the marriage if they cannot live with each other anymore.
Wife's authority over her husband:-
Some examples of a husband obligation to her wife's are :-
1- Haq Mahr is the first and foremost right of a woman after marriage. It is a payment in the form of money or property given by the groom to the bride at the time of marriage, which legally becomes her property.
While the haq Mahr is often money, it can be anything agreed upon by the bride such as jewelry, household items, or some land. Mahr is usually specified in the marriage contract signed during an Islamic marriage.
2- The most important responsibility of a husband is to maintain his wife. He should do so according to his status and social norms,She has the right to get food, clothing and shelter from her husband. The husband is bound to support his wife in all the basic needs of life.
Allah says in Quran:
"No one's soul should be burdened beyond its capacity, no mother should suffer because of her child, no father should suffer because of his child."(Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 233)
3- The important right of the wife is that she should be treated with kindness and importance. The Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized this many times. Sharia advises men to provide comforts to their wives.
4- The wife has every right to get financial and physical help from the husband for her every need.
5-The husband should treat his wife with kindness, respect and fairness. He should not abuse her physically or verbally.
6-The wife has the right to privacy and personal space. Her husband should respect her privacy. And nothing personal should be disclosed to anyone without his permission.
7- Husband should help his wife in domestic matters
8-A husband has no right to keep his wife at home without any reasonable cause or prevent her from visiting her parents, relatives or friends and they can also come to her house.
"This is my opinion.
You should stand by your wife when your family is wrong and your wife is right
Remember that she gave up everything to be with you.
9-The husband has the right to initiate divorce.
But the wife has the right to seek divorce under certain circumstances like abuse or neglect. Islamic law provides for various divorce procedures, including open, where the wife can initiate the divorce. In Islam it is called Khula.
10-A woman can remarry after her divorce or after the death of her husband.
The marriage of a man and a woman in Islam is not just a financial and physical arrangement to live together, but a sacred contract, a gift from God to live a happy, blissful life and continue the lineage. The main goal of marriage in Islam is to achieve peace and compassion between husband and wife.
The messenger of Allah ( ﷺ )said:
"Take my advice regarding women, be kind to women, because they are made of a rib, and the crookedest part of a rib is its top. If you try to straighten it;you will break it, and if you leave it alone it will remain crooked; so act kindly toward women"
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
I can't explain all the rights
Because husband and wife have many rights in Islam. The main rights is Husn-e-Salook and affection.